A Holiday From Mourning(2020)
Written & Directed by Zara Dwinger
A teenage girl attempts to flee the grief she has felt since her mothers’ death by going on a post-exam trip to a Portuguese party town. But the faster she runs, the more the feeling she is trying to escape from catches up on her.
Short film | 00:14:33 | Narrative Fiction | Themes: Mourning, Youth, Friendship, Love | Colour | 4:3 | The Netherlands | Spoken language: Dutch, English | Subtitles: English | Format: DCP, ProRes | Dolby 5.1 & Stereo LtRt
Festival Selections:
- Nederlands Filmfestival 2020, Gouden Kalf competition, The Netherlands
- Asiana International Short Film Festival 2020, international competition, South-Korea.
- GoShort International Short Film Festival 2021, Dutch competition, the Netherlands
- Vox Feminae Film Festival 2021, international competition, Zagreb, Croatia
- Palm Springs Shortfest 2021, international competition, US.
- Mo&Friese Children’s Short Film Festival 2021, youth competition, Germany.
- Film in de Buurt 2021, short film program, the Netherlands.
- 20minsmax int. short film festival 2021, international competition, Germany
- Winterthur int. short film festival, holiday short program, Switzerland.
- FICBUEU 2021, international competition, Spain